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Cara Copy Text Via Opera Mini 42 Original

Post by : Bahar

Cara Mudah Copy Paste Via Opera Mini 42 Original
Salam sahabat Waper Xtgem dan pengunjung tercinta, share artikel sebelumnya yang mereview artikel Kontes Seo dengan kata kunci Web Hosting Murah Terbaik Di Indonesia dan kembali pada post ini, Bahar Mario akan berbagi Trik Cara Copy Text Via Opera Mini 42 Original

Walau kiranya penguna Opera Mini sudah bayak yang mengetaui trik Cara Copy Text Via Opera Mini 42 Original dan telah banyal di review oleh para blogger, namu untuk menambah artikel post site Bahar Mario sekaligus berbagi kepada pembaca tercinta yang belum mengetahui trik ini. Nah bagi yang belum tau dan ingin mencobanya, silahkan di simak ulasan berikut :

  • Silahkan buka url yang ingin di Copas, misalnya
  • Setelah halaman terbuka, Copy kode di bawah ini dan pastekan ke addressbar Opera Mini Anda,

  • Selanjutnya buka atau klik kode javascript tersebut yang telah Anda pastekan dan tunggungu hingga loading selesai
  • Dan setelah loading selesai maka akan muncul text yang siap untuk di Copas

Untuk mempermudah melakukan Copy Text, pastekan code tersebut pada cara pintas atau speed dial Opera Mini Anda.. Misalnya di speed dial no 4, maka jika ingin melakukan Copy Text, Anda hanya tinggal klik atau menekan tombol * 4

Untuk mencobanya silahkan.. Anda klik Cara Copy Text Via Opera Mini 42

Terimah kasih telah berkunjung dan membaca artikel dengan kata kunci Cara Copy Text Via Opera Mini 42 Original semoga bermamfaat...

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[2014-03-25 02:31] PREDIKSI JITU:

Terima kasih banyak Aky Ternyata Angka jitu hasil Ritual KI JAYA Yang saya minta ternyata Tembus SINGAPUR 4D SENIN 24 MARET 2014 DENGAN ANGKA 4219 Puji TUHAN SAYA mendapatkan kemenangan 350 juta. Sampai-sampai saya mengeluarkan Air mata, SAYA sangat terharu, bahagia dan bersyukur kpd TUHAN Yang Maha Esa. Skrng SAYA sudah memiliki modal untk buka usaha sendiri dan sdh membeli Rumah dan yg paling utama SAYA tdk Terlilit Utang lagi sewaktu SAYA menjadi pegawai pabrik. Jgn pikirkan lagi, langsung hub "KI JAYA" Di (((085-321-606-847_))) Terimakasih banyak Aky Semoga TUHAN membalas kebaikan Anda Jangan Lupa Mampir Di blog Ki jaya [⌣»̶•̵̭̌✽̤̈•̵̭̌☀̤̈>>KLIK*DISINI<<☀̤̣̈̇•̵̭̌✽̤̈•̵̭̌«̶⌣]

[2015-02-28 05:43] Q2d0aGp8Kj8:

يناير 7, 2009 دي هي حزمة الخمسة ميجابايت مقابل جنيه واحد في اليوم الواحد والميجا الزيادة بخمسة جنيهات policy has been chegnad.. its first 3 Mega by 1 LE, then each 1 Mega with extra 1 LE.

[2015-02-28 08:07] AIG4HCz7k:

A lot of marketing psreons i know search for #tags related to your niche and after that hope that within 3 days they will comply with them and if not, un-follow them. This will help grow your network of twitter followers, if you use this technique, you might want a separate personal twitter account.

[2015-02-28 09:34] w8d8x89f:

يناير 7, 2009Opera Mini, doesn't show proper ariabc on my mobile.and Iwish to ask you about a PDF reader please.. you know I'm Z750 :)thanks ya Mohamed for your help..

[2015-03-01 08:10] 8JbbegRFgi:

Well I am trying my best here. Since moible-dev is most likely the future. But really wished there was a way to Force-DISABLE Mobile View via HTML - via some Javascript function or Meta tag.For example, this site I am working on looks nice but ONLY IF - Mobile view is disabled. Otherwise it looks super horrid.

[2015-03-02 12:58] 9lwMDhh3m8:

I have this same problem on my Samsung Intercept Android phone. I tried the seuegstgd fixes and they did not work. This is very annoying because whenever I try to open a link from, for example, a text I have received on my phone, it opens a page that I was on before and not the link. It seems to pick the page at random that it's going to keep opening every time.The only thing that I've found that works is if I back out of the browser completely and hit the link again from the text. However, the next time I try to open a different link from a different text, it takes me back to that other page. It's very frustrating!!

[2015-03-03 04:08] 9195HensT:

Both Opera mini beta and Nimbuzz are not working on my Sony Ericsson Z550i . I can iatnsll then but while using they both make the mobile to switch off . Please help

[2015-03-03 04:46] 6SCenwpyqryQ:

Lots of sites block HTML tags because of their ponettial for SPAM and mischief. You can't post anchor tags on the Facebook wall. With the PC version of (formerly known as Hotmail) you can use the link button in the toolbar (it looks like a couple of links of chain) to insert a URL. Then you can edit the URL text in the body of the email to say anything you want and it will still link to the original URL.I don't use Peperonity so I don't know what's possible there.

[2015-03-03 12:35] 4EuVS1rM:

I have a 9700 that has problem with Opera Mini 5 naoavitign not working. The BB OS is v5.0.0.34 which is not listed here. Will I just have to wait until version Opera Mini 5 has been fixed?

[2015-03-03 17:27] MvJnghtRBhn:

You're more likely to get the doktsep versions of sites if you use the the Web UA or empty than with the Wap UA. Some sites will recognize that you are using a mobile browser and send the mobile version no matter which you chose. If you use empty, a few sites might block you as the user agent isn't supposed to be empty. You have to experiment, there's no setting that will give the best result with every site.

[2017-02-26 21:49]

terima kasih tipsnya gan

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Bahar Mario